Deception Drones On and On

Stones in shadow, black

move along the crack of closing reality,

a brilliant shimmering gold line of unbelievable.

Unbelievably true none-the-less.

Reality is the glinting line fast closing

Golden thought stays only where wanted.

Come to the darkness intones the stones

There find rest, which is peace, but for the continual grinding.

Perish there in half-truths and groping blinding ambiguity

The golden line is reality indeed and so lean away;

Too blinding

Too harsh.

We are all dying.

At night, the fires burn and the restless scream.

Moaning in darkness that the daylight will bring hope,

then curse and mock the golden glimmer of their prayers.

Break the windows, shatter the frail walls of long left alone!

Hope is in action, which is sitting still and understanding trust.

The hills still roll, evil hides in corners and the good move toward the end.

All stories end, so let’s begin.

The end will show the glinting line of gold and where one stands.

Stand anywhere but behind the stones of whispering.

They always said it couldn’t last-

‘They,’ don’t understand forever.

Too Many

The mustard yellow of summer is promising to fade

While the deep green of oaks and hickory nod an acquiescent surrender.

I long for the winds of November, the brittle brown leaves upon the ground

The puff of breath that goes before me and lingers in fog along my path.

I think of the shuffle and snuffle of my dog log since buried near to here.

No, I’ve never had the courage for another.

I’ve decided that age is a good thing; looking at the ending is a comfort.

There are too many people buried, too many dreams dying like the pumpkin vine.

The path is cooler, better settled for my walk, and finally there is peace with my step.

I can handle the sorrow I expect to mourn, and I do.

I miss holding your hand, listening to the dog bark ahead of us and the sound of your voice calling him back.

There is solace in being alone too. Your absence has taught me that.

Teach Me To Dance

Defiant, I’ve been told and disrespectful

I will leave those judgments to You.

Age has settled in and alone I ponder if love

ever visited me, or if I have ever loved;

One, yes one, and I insisted he learn to dance.

Now I will leave a request for You;

teach me to dance.

In this life the push for independence

the push to memorize, not necessarily to learn

the push to save, the push to wed, the push to separate

the push to push and rarely to inspire has sopped up

what little time is granted to me;

teach me to dance.

I want no lover; I want no grand ballroom

or envying audience,

I want to be the child again with a Father

who knows me – teach me to dance.

Marble floors, grassy meadows, one violin

teach me to dance and this life becomes bearable.

Leave and Follow

A creeping cold

a sigh from an unseen source.

The path once well lighted,

shadowy and crowded with nettles.

The seasons reflect our life.

The year a continual reminder

of Wisdom’s shout;

remember, remember.

The sun sets soon

but the promise of the moon

gives courage.

I leave behind, and I follow

I am sorry and relieved of that sorrow.

I remember and remembrance

no longer holds me.

Wisdom cries for knowledge and knowledge

cries for discretion and discretion

insists upon prudence

And so the path widens.

Saint in Name

White frocks and patent leather shoes,

Dainty ankle socks with lacy curls –

The pictures of long ago taken not so long ago.

The girls that didn’t live to long legs, slender arms, impossible hair,

end up in garden poetry and ghost stories.

A Vassar girl who wore a tie; a long line of activism and a brief existence.

Dare I say that the fame framed your life?

A saint named, but not in the litany. I feel outside myself when I think of it.

I have a thing for older men too. Maybe they all died with him.

The early meter and images stay with me

The rest I leave to monotony.